If you’re a fan of the UK based group Glass Animals, you’ve probably heard that one line off their song Pork Soda. It embeds itself in your brain and can’t be rooted out, like a beautiful weed:
“Pineapples are in my head…”
Well, after the success of their second album How To Be A Human Being, the phrase really took off. The pineapple became a quintessential part of the group’s image; a funny but serious allusion to their wandering, nonsensical lyrics.
The group embraced it, even let it make prominent appearances in their live shows. Fans now flock to arenas by the hundreds, clutching onto the spiked fruit almost like it’s a piece of memorabilia. At this point, it kind of is a piece of memorabilia; we even saw a few pineapple companions (and totems) at Electric Forest and Shambhala this year.
But now, it seems the fun is over. At least, it is at a few festivals overseas. Organizers at this year’s Reading and Leeds Festivals are implementing a total ban on pineapples. The reason for the ban is still a mystery, but this seems to be the general idea: they’re big, kinda heavy, and not fun to get hit with.
But still, pineapples are listed alongside guns and fireworks on the website’s “Do Not Bring” list because, apparently, they’re just as dangerous. Glass Animals drummer Joe Seaward put it in words far better than I ever could in an interview with BBC:
“Anyone who wasn’t bringing a pineapple definitely is now,” he said.”It’s fruitist. Watermelons are fine, but not pineapples?”
A spokesman for Reading and Leeds Festivals said: “Organisers were a little concerned about hundreds of pineapples turning up on site, so decided to ask fans not to bring them along.”
Later, he added: “The tongue may be slightly in the cheek on this one.”
So, what’s the deal? I suppose it makes sense to ban pineapples from the actual concert, but the campgrounds too? Glass Animals is a band that prides itself on its wackiness, and the fans should have the opportunity to show love in any way they choose, even if that way may be a little unconventional. At least, that’s what we think over here in the states.
Does pineapple go on pizza? Have you had a fruit companion at a festival? Share your pictures and stories in the comment section below.
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