Bassheads around the globe rejoiced after Excision announced the dates of his highly anticipated, untitled, festival. From September 29th to October 1st of this year, the massively popular Canadian DJ/producer, and “dozens of your favorite bass DJ’s”, will perform at a bass music event like none other. In addition to an actual lineup, the only thing that is missing is a location! And what better place to host Excision fest than the most beautiful outdoor concert venue in the world: The Gorge. There are many options for him to choose from, but here are some reasons why the Gorge should be atop the list:
Camping and Weather

Photo: Kevin Brost Photography
Most music festivals take place in the outdoors but come late September/early October, festival friendly weather will be gone, with the leafs turning brown and the skies a little more grey. Assuming Excision Fest is held in the United States, event planners will probably want to pick a location that won’t be too cold for artists and fans. Southern California, Nevada, Florida and Arizona quickly come to mind as potential suitors that offer heat during this time, heck, almost year round, but outdoor concert venues in these states? BIG ones? That provide camping grounds capable of hosting thousands? Ehhhhhhhh.
While things tend to be a little cooler in Western Washington in the fall, the Gorge’s drier climate in the East should offer a tad bit more warmth and fewer chances of rain. Last year’s averages at the Gorge, according to, ran from the high 70s to high 60s around the end of September to the start of October. If it’s sunny out there this year, which is currently projected to be, those type of temps will feel refreshing, especially for all the head bangers! However, when the sun sets, look out! Average temps last year dipped into the 40s and are projected to do the same this year! Would you be willing to spend some cold nights in a tent, or car? That’d be a question you’d have to ask yourself.

Photo: Excision on Facebook/ Fadewood Studios
Excision is no stranger to the Gorge. In fact, he’s a frequent visitor, having played at Paradiso 2016, 2014 and 2012. He’s rocked the main stage and knows how big the crowd gets for him out there. Familiarity would help make it easier to build this festival from a physical, and logistical, stand point for all sides involved.
If You Build It, They Will Come

Photo: AJ Apuya Photography
Seattle has been referred to as “The Bass Capitol of the World” by some, and while that title has been a topic of debate (Hi Denver, Colorado), there’s no denying the massive amount of dedicated bassheads who live in our region. Events like Bass Academy and Safe in Sound continuously draw big crowds, with clubs feeding those grimy appetites by bringing in some of the biggest names in the genre on a weekly basis.
Excision should know how big his Pacific Northwest fan base is too. In addition to his performances at Paradisos past, he’s sold out shows at Seattle’s Foundation nightclub, Vancouver, B.C.’s Commodore Ballroom, this year’s Bass Academy, and more! Tickets to any Excision event in these parts go quick too! Pacific Northwest bass music fans are as passionate as they come, and there’s no doubt they will show up in full force for a 3-day Excision Fest.
Those Views

Kevin Brost
Did we mention the Gorge is the most beautiful outdoor concert venue in the world? Yeah? Well, we’ll say it again for extra measure! If venue setting is a factor in the deciding of a location, then the Gorge takes the cake.
Why else should Excision come to The Gorge? What would you tell him? Drop a comment and let us know!
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