Something that is going to be an ever-present issue with our scene is harm reduction. Right now we are dealing with a very precarious grey area between drug users and festivals. Festivals certainly want to make sure that we are safe in light of the drug-related tragedies that have taken place over the last year. At the same time, festival promotion companies can’t even acknowledge that drugs are being consumed on their premises because of the “Reduce Americas Vulnerability to Ecstasy” act passed by Congress (known as the “RAVE Act”).
We came across a documentary entitled What’s In My Baggie? and we were taken aback. The documentary showcases the travels of the “Bunk Police” who head out to festivals to test festival goers’ drugs to see if they are what they thought they were. Time and time again they would take a sample, test it, and discover that it was not as advertised to the buyer, whether it be Molly, Sass, or LSD. Most of the samples tested were of supposed MDMA and for a shocking number occurrences, the samples tested turned out to be bath salts.
The Bunk Police operate in this clandestine manner since the festival promoters can’t allow them to be there even though they are not bringing in anything that is illegal. They also have to hide their identities because of the backlash from drug dealers. Just imagine trying to help people and not be able to have any protection from law enforcement. They use test kits similar to the ones that Ankors uses at the Shambahla Music Festival in Canada.
The documentary paints a picture of the unregulated black market drug scene and the dangers that exist because of it. The absolute terror of watching these kids unwittingly buying drugs and finding out that the drugs were in fact research chemicals, PMMA, Methlydone, or bath salts would make anyone take a step back.
All these kids thought they were high on Molly. Every single sample I tested was Methlydone. It was unbelievable, man. Unbelievable. 100% Methlydone.
The documentary also gives you perspectives from every level of the drug industry, from the drug dealers to intelligence analysts for the DEA. The majority of whom all agree that the lack of regulation is single-handedly causing way more harm than the drug laws that are in place. Vice’s Chief Science Editor Hamilton Morris even describes his own firsthand experience encountering heroin being cut with rat poison, and how it all seemed like a cautionary tale to inspire fear in the consumer.
We highly urge you to watch this riveting documentary for free on YouTube and get yourself educated. You may think “I am getting this stuff from my good friend,” but so were the kids who were in the documentary who were about to consume something they thought was MDMA. Test kits like the ones that are featured in this documentary are relatively cheap and are something that you need to own if you are going to partake. Just listen to the testimonials of brothers and friends who lost siblings because they bought from someone they trusted. First and foremost, we encourage you to be safe and make smart decisions.
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