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So how will this effect the future of shows at WaMu Theater? Beyond this extreme breach of privacy with removing the bathroom stall doors, there really isn’t much more that can be done within the realm of legal measures. However, it does create a slippery slope. If gone unchecked, it could lead to more extreme measures and or perhaps the possible ban of electronic music at the famed venue. It also creates a precedent for other venues in the area to follow suit.
As far as harm reduction goes, USC Events and their staff have continued to pour resources into expanding things like Concious Crew. They’ve followed the lead of big festivals and installed free water stations, as well as having their trademark orange-shirted volunteers walk the crowd, searching for anyone in need. Not all communities look out for the well being of their fellow ravers like the Conscious Crew because remember, these are all volunteers and actual ravers.
“I think people just think that we are just sitting in a room devising as many painful ways as we can to just extract upon these kids to make their lives miserable and it’s definitely not. It’s us having an unwavering commitment to safety and that comes through on spending tens & tens of thousands of dollars on safety per show.” –Gabe Ossa
The real challenge for USC Events is reaching the people who are not familiar with rave culture. The general perspective from the outside world is that raves are a place to do drugs, which is not the case.
“I’m not concerned about the kid who has been going to shows since they were 16.. I’m worried about that 1 kid who has maybe been to one show or no shows who’s not really thinking of this deeper safety stuff… and they just want to go party. That’s our concern. How do we reach them?” –Gabe Ossa
This of course brings us to an important point: If you’re taking a first time raver to a show, look out for them. Let them know how important it is to be safe and prevent their own harm. We are a community like none other in the music industry, where our tenants are Peace, Love, Unity, Respect, & Responsibility. The second R is often times the most forgotten part of that very important acronym.
Unfortunately, our legal recourse as fans and patrons of WaMu is limited. What we can do is continue to make our voices heard, just in the right way. People are frustrated. We’re frustrated. This affects the future of our local scene, and there are certainly measures that can be taken by big venues like WaMu that would effectively crater our ability to hold large-scale events in Seattle. So let’s do what this city does best and get loud to the people with direct control of the situation. You can get in touch with the venue by phone at (206) 381-7555 to voice your concerns, and online by filling out their contact form here. Let your voice be heard loud and clear, but remember that anything you say represents our community as a whole. It’s important now more than ever that we be well-spoken, well-mannered, and well-researched in our criticism. What does the future hold? It’s hard to say, but it’s up to us to help keep our scene alive.
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Phillip was raised on so many different genres of music, it has given him a unique perspective into the ever evolving music scene. Trance music began defining his life at the young age of 14, but thoroughly enjoys any type of music equally. He sees the music as an escape from the daily doldrums of life and says music can change a persons life in an instant pulling from his own experiences. His only goal in life is to share wonderful music with people and take electronic music to a higher plain with more accountability and creating a safer environment for his friends.