While we can all admit that The Weeknd‘s production skill is unmatched in originality and eclectic form, this fresh remix of his and Drake’s Live For fits the chilled-out vibe of the original, while going for a more subtly bumping hip hop beat. The remixers, HU₵₵I and The Ninetys, both from Britain, have their own unique style of electronic hip hop with classy, dreamscape elements, but still with a down home feel. The Ninety’s latest EP comes with the fulfilled promise of “Expect The Unexpected,” while HU₵₵I’s Rose Gold EP out a month ago boasts a darker, deeper reach into the modern world of hip hop and trap. Both talents are rising starts in the UK, so get this remix for free while it lasts, and get on track to following these British boys on their rise to the top.
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