[divider]Glitter & Gold Poo Pills[/divider]

GlitterPills is a shop on Etsy selling all sorts of magic-infused shinies. With over one thousand sales, glitter pills must be something to rave about. (Sorry about the terrible pun.) They’ve got everything from “rainbow sugar pills” to red, white, and blue sparkle pills. Although the owner does specify not to eat these sparkly little guys, at $2.00 a pop, it’s safe to say they are a fun gift idea!

You might not be made of money, but with these gilded beauties you can now drop golden stools. Your poo will shine with glitter and gold. Yes, this is a real thing. Something about our culture’s obsession with luxury and expensive items didn’t surprise when we saw that these $425 pills were sold out. Hopefully you can get your golden poo pills when they’re back in stock.