Rumor has it that earlier this week, Brazilian radio station Joven Pan announced that contracts are finalized which would bring TomorrowWorld to Brazil in 2015. This would be huge news for the dance music community in Brazil, which is growing at a rapidfire rate.
In attempting to track down the source of this news, the DMNW team scoured the web to find out whether the rumor was true. The Brazilian entertainment blog Omelette states that Joven Pan removed the news from its website after posting it, which is certainly mysterious.
Since that time, the story has been picked up by Billboard, Dancing Astronaut, YourEDM, LessThan3, and others.
Though we weren’t satisfied with finding a reliable source for this news, this is certainly not a surprising turn of events. The expansion of SFX Entertainment and ID&T (parent companies that partner to organize TomorrowWorld) into the South American continent is part of a highly-anticipated international push. In an interview with Belgian financial newspaper De Tijd in February of this year, brothers Manu and Michael Beers discussed their plans to expand onto every continent.
“We’re looking at anyway different countries on different continents for international expansion. A timing is impossible to give. A good location and the right match with a local team are necessary conditions.” Debby Wilmsen, ID&T (via Google Translate)
While many of our readers may not be eagerly awaiting news of festivals to attend in South America (let’s face it, it’s a ways to go and a pricey ticket!), we are still intent on watching what happens with SFX Entertainment, ID&T and other large companies that are helping to expand the influence of dance music culture around the globe. We are excited to see what comes next for Brazil, but today’s evidence leaves us hanging. Perhaps tomorrow, world. For now, content yourselves with the incredible 2012 trailer for TomorrowWorld, which has been watched on YouTube over 100 MILLION times:
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