[divider]1: The festival is returning to its roots to focus on local talent[/divider]
As a 501(c)(3) (non-profit!) cultural institution, Bumbershoot has a mission other than just to make money. For a few years, Bumbershoot found itself spending a lot of money to bring in big name acts, but found this strategy was not successful in attracting crowds. This year, Bumbershoot has placed significantly less of a focus on pulling big names and more of a focus on quality. In the past few years, we saw big names like Skrillex and BassNectar headlining the festival, but this year, there’s no huge electronic artist headlining.
The return to Indie, Rock and Alternative names, such as Foster the People and Panic at the Disco!, isn’t necessarily a bad thing for dance music fans. In fact, you might argue that we get better bang for our buck with a smaller, more intimate stage (most acts appear on the Pavilion Stage) on which to watch artists we love. Which brings us to Reason #2…
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