[divider] PREPARATIONS [/divider]
The beauty of music festivals is that there are no dress codes. Festivals provide an environment for people to express themselves through outfits and costumes, with EDC being no exception. Whether you enjoy going all out or you prefer to keep it simple, comfort should be the top priority for a three-day massive like EDC. Our team here at DMNW can’t stress enough the importance of wearing comfortable shoes. Ladies, although they look cool as hell, leave the platform boots at the hotel room. Chances are, you’ll be dancing and walking miles around the Speedway and nothing will ruin a good time faster than blisters.
Festival totems are not only a great way to find friends and distinguish yourself from the crowd, they can also serve as an awesome conversation starter. Before you get to crafting your totem, make sure they fit in accordance to the EDC guidelines. The totem rules are as followed:
- Maximum height of 10 ft.
- Must be made from lightweight material (e.g. foam, PVC/no solid metal.
- Collapsible/telescoping camera extenders that follow the above guidelines are OK (lightweight/hollow aluminum/polycarbonate).
- PVC, light wood, aluminum poles must be no thicker than 1 inch in diameter.
- Decorated pool noodles work great for easy entrance through security.
- Inflatables attached to totems must be deflated upon entry.
- Any item deemed dangerous will not be allowed.
With entry wristband and government-issued ID in hand, you finally made it to the gates. Don’t be the person who holds up the line and know exactly what you can and cannot bring into the Speedway. If you haven’t seen the recently posted guidelines yet, give them a once-over to guarantee you’ll get through security with ease.
Now, this wouldn’t be a true DMNW Guide if we didn’t talk about harm reduction at least once. We are strong advocates of harm reduction and taking precautionary measures to ensure you’re partying safe. While we’re not encouraging the use of illegal substances, they are an undeniable aspect of dance music culture. Heightened by the fact that EDC is a three-day massive lasting from 7:00 pm to 5:30 am, some attendees may feel more inclined to use drugs in order to stay energized. We highly advise purchasing a drug test kit if you intend to roll. Being fully aware of what you’re injesting can help prevent future tragedies from occurring at EDC.
Any EDC vet will tell you that along with sleep, nutrition is among the most essential factors for a positive festival experience. No matter how much fun you’re having, make sure to fit in at least three balanced meals a days to sustain energy levels. Sports drinks and salty snacks are key to help offset electrolyte imbalances that can occur through sweating or drinking too much water. Don’t be afraid to load up on carbohydrates during the day since you’ll be burning plenty of calories throughout the night. We recommend going for the fresh fruit and fruit smoothies vendors while inside EDC. Not only is it a tasty treat, it will give you a boost of nutrients and help keep you hydrated.
It’s safe to assume that your cellphone will be rendered pretty useless while inside the festival. It will likely be difficult to receive a steady signal due to clogged cell towers, so make plans accordingly. Along with investing in a portable charger, we think it’s a good idea to write down any important numbers onto a slip of paper in the event your phone dies. Mesh networking systems can be a viable option for EDC, such as FireChat. FireChat is a phone application that allows users to connect with others in a chatroom without utilizing WiFi or cellular coverage. While the app is relatively new, it can be a back-up plan for anyone concerned about communicating with friends at EDC.
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