Picture it now: Strolling through sunset as it falls over Gasworks Park, a sterilized headset from The DJ Sessions Silent Disco snug on your ears as it pumps tunes from a nearby DJ playing a live set. That’s right, a DJ playing music onstage in real time!
Soon this dream will become reality as The DJ Sessions brings a truly unique idea to life in the form of a new online series, “Keep it Grooving,” with safe silent discos in Seattle area parks!
To beginm The DJ Sessions will be hosting their silent discos at the following parks: Gasworks, Golden Gardens, and Alki Beach. More parks announcements are to come, as new openings are still in the works.
Genres will range from EDM, hip-hop, funk, rock and more. The DJ Sessions aims to give attendees a way to enjoy live music in the outdoors in a socially responsible manner. Darran Bruce, founder of The DJ Sessions, spoke more in an interview with the local news team at Q13 FOX.
“We want to bring a different experience to people wanting to go outside and be safe. What we really hope is that this will provide a positive way for people to have a shared experience while maintaining ‘physical/social distancing. No one will need to be within six (6) feet of another person to enjoy the music.’”
For those of you that are curious as to the cleanliness level of The DJ Sessions headsets, you’ve got nothing to fear. Each of headsets will be sterilized before, during, and at the end of every event. During the silent discos each person will receive one headset, which will not be reused again that night.
In addition to having sanitization wipes and hand gels available, The DJ Sessions asks attendees to practice safe social distancing. Seeing as The DJ Sessions headsets have a 1,000 foot range, you’ll be able to wander as you please without missing a beat.
As a Twitch featured partner, The DJ Sessions bring local and celebrity DJs from all over the world to their platform. They’ve gathered the attention of a global audience from their live streamed videos, mix sets, interviews and original music sets.
Not only have The DJ Sessions received a feature in the iTunes Store, but they’ve been recognized twice by Apple as a “New and Noteworthy” podcast. Currently, The DJ Sessions is joined with 25 other video streaming and distribution sites, and finding more every day.
For more information on The DJ Sessions upcoming, “Keep It Grooving” silent disco series head over to their official website. Sign up for their newsletter and view their multi channel link now!
Will we be seeing you at the park? Let us know at Facebook and Twitter!
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crosman optimus 177
July 30, 2020 at 7:44 am
See you at the park!