[divider]Keeping Things Personal[/divider]
Here’s a well-known industry routine for you: When a new track releases, typically an artist will have a PR agency hired out, with a handful of music sites and publications receiving all necessary information to write on in an email blast. Sometimes a site will choose to write on the track, others they’ll pass on. In general, it’s a streamlined yet impersonal process designed to disseminate information as quickly as possible. Since Day 1 (we’re talking pre-#SELFIE days), Alex and Drew have forgone this completely, instead choosing to hand-write every single release email themselves.
DMNW: You send out really unique PR emails. Do you really write them yourselves and send them personally or are they form letters? Is there anything else industry-related you personalize?
The Chainsmokers: Those are all personally written! It takes fucking AGES! Obviously to the sites like (Dance Music Northwest) we always take the extra effort and for newer sites it’s a little less formal but once we have that first contact its personal touches from that point on. It’s very important and has proved to be over the course of the last year.
Their personal touches serve as a constant reminder that no matter how busy or famous the boys get, they’re still always looking to connect with both their fans and the sites that write about their music. Aptly, they describe it as “a symbiotic relationship. Our whole brand’s approach is approachability, the personal touch and responsiveness.” That responsiveness that made them into some of the friendliest superstars you’ll find in dance music.
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