[numblock num=”7.5″ style=”3″]Terravita took us back to our filthy bass roots, rocked the Fez and showed us that there is still love in the dirtiest of dubstep. [/numblock]
Walking up 11th Avenue towards the Fez Ballroom last Friday night the scene was set for a perfect evening. Lights were flashing from the third story windows of the Fez and the bass was bouncing through the walls. Now the only problem was, “where were all the people?” When entering the dance floor there was more than enough space to get down with your bad self, but not in the good sort of way. The room had plenty of people, but the majority were seated at the private tables socializing and watching the very few dancers on the floor. The music from J Rabbit was fantastic, so what was the problem?
J Rabbit did not let the lack of dancing bring the mood down, if anything it only made him drop bigger and better beats. Before we knew it the energy in the room was finally starting to come alive, and just in time for Terravita to take the stage. Two members of the famous trio took to the decks and they didn’t waste any time throwing some heavy bass action at the audience, and this is just what Portland needed to keep our feet moving until 2am. Playing a wide variety of bass favorites from their own track Bach Off to Zomboy’s Terror Squad, down to F**k That from Skrillex’s new Recess album, everyone was finally having the insane night of dancing that they wanted, and then it seemed to come to an end all too quickly. You know what they say, time flies when you’re having fun!
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