FreakNight is one of the Northwest’s premier annual music festivals, providing attendees the opportunity to create lifetime memories on a yearly basis. Consistently bringing in artists for a diverse night of music, costumes, and all-around freakiness, it’s no wonder FreakNight has been around for so long.
Thankfully, it’s right around the corner again. While we plan our outfits, book our hotels, and prep for one of our favorite weekends of the year, it’s fun to reminisce over past FreakNight moments. Whether good, bad, or ugly, everyone has memories of their time at FreakNight.
This year will be no different, despite the modest changes to the FreakNight format. Rather than two-days, the festival will be packing all of their tunes into a one-night Freak Fest.
We certainly have some memorable moments that we’ll cherish forever, thanks to USC Events and the hard-working people putting on festivals like FreakNight year-round. Here are some of our favorite, personal memories from FreakNight’s past, showcasing the variety of ways every kind of raver can enjoy Seattle’s Halloween Party.

NERO at FreakNight 2015 – Credit: Turk Photos
Nick, Managing Editor
“Back in 2013, right as Dash Berlin was leaving the stage, and Destroid was coming on. As our group was trying to move toward the front, a flood of Dash fans were literally running away from the stage. While we’re all trying to get down to some filthy bass, a good chunk of the Dash crowd is terrified of the insane robot men on the stage making scary noises with too much bass.”
Heath, Staff Writer
FreakNight 2013 was the second festival I’d ever attended, and might go down as one of the best lineups in Northwest dance music history.There were no wrong choices hour-after-hour for each day of the festival, but one set stood out far above the rest: Destroid.
The closing performance of FreakNight, Destroid were on their initial run of shows as the newest thing in bass music during the summer and fall of 2013. Getting such a treat, so early-on, was a gift that Northwest bass-heads haven’t soon forgotten. We eventually got shows in Spokane, Kennewick, Boise, and beyond, but that first Northwest stop will always be special.
Despite following Dash Berlin’s impeccable set on the mainstage, bass-gods Excision, Downlink, and KJ Sawka turned this budding dance music fan (and many more) into a bass-head for life. The fun I had that night inspired me to apply to a rapidly-growing regional EDM site shortly therafter, which kind of worked out, I guess.
Stanley, Staff Writer
“Not only was FreakNight 2013 my first FreakNight, it was my first musical festival…ever. Growing up, I was a hip-hop head. Interest in EDM didn’t lift off until I moved from Washington D.C. to Seattle four years ago! I went to FreakNight 2013 alone, just having moved to the area two months prior. I didn’t know what to expect, but because I kept hearing how FreakNight was the ultimate Halloween party in Seattle, I had to check it out for myself. Turned about to be one of the best decisions ever.
I made a ton of new friends, and discovered new artists. The environment was one I’ve never been in. Everyone was so friendly, and welcoming- well, except after Dash Berlin’s mainstage set when a surge of people rushed in for Destroid. I thought I was going to get trampled! I also did my first PLUR handshake! I had no clue what was going on when the gal I met wanted to give me Kandi. Even the word ‘Kandi’ was foreign to me! That moment though, heck, that entire night, is one that I’ll remember for the rest of my life. I wouldn’t be the dance music enthusiast I am today if it wasn’t for FreakNight ‘13.”
Emma, Editor
“I have to second that Destroid 2013 set (also my first FN)! It’s still one of the performances that resonates with my friends and I to this day. Destroid is a group I keep crossing my fingers to see on a PNW or Shambhala line up sometime soon.
To add, my other favorite moments were at FreakNight 2015, as it was the starting point for my relationship with my significant other (we’d been friends since Diso ’13). It began with matching costumes (Lady Rainicorn & Jake, then a Tiger and Caveman), and then he wandered off with me to Tiesto where we danced most of the set away together. We weren’t expecting to enjoy the set that much, but I’m sure half of it was the company. Following, we went back to Infected Mushroom at the side stage for some psy and weird dancing, and the rest is history from there!”
Miranda, Marketing Team
“Many people know that my entry-point into dance music was marked by my brother giving me Tiesto album on his return from Iraq in 2008. Trance and Tiesto alike really resonated with me from that point on. In 2011, Tiesto headlined FreakNight. Seeing him live (despite his departure from trance) was a bucket list worthy moment for me, so I couldn’t pass up on that incredibly opportunity.
I went to FreakNight 2011, which coincidentally happened to by my first FreakNight ever, with my two best friends. Not knowing what I expect or how to even dress, my outfit left something to be desired. I made it through the night with everything relatively intact, until Tiesto came on. I went SO HARD during his set that I actually ripped the soles from my shoes entirely.
As a consequence I had to walk the rest of the night barefoot. Probably the single most cringe-worthy experience of my life, you cannot imagine the filth that lines the WaMu floor after a night of intense dancing. But I will never, ever forget how amazing I felt in that moment fulfilling my long held dream of seeing Tiesto live. It was an awe-inspiring moment, that I truly cherish to this day.”
Jen, Editor
“One of my favorite festival memories of all time, and what really sparked my love for the dance music community, was at FreakNight 2013. I had gotten separated from my friends and was feeling pretty lost and alone. (I’m pretty sure this was my first FN as well.) After wandering around for a while by myself, I walked up to a group of strangers.
I told them “Hey guys, I lost my friends and I’m kinda sad, can I hang out with you for a while?” I was immediately welcomed with hugs and reassuring words of “Yes! Of course!”. No hesitation or reservation; I felt such overwhelming acceptance from this group of strangers. I have had so many experiences since then that reinforce how open and kind the dance music community is, but this was an awesome early introduction to this community of PLURR.”
FreakNight will always have a special place in the hearts of Northwest dance music fans, and Seattle’s music scene. Whether it’s due to the amazing artists we’re spoiled with the pleasure of seeing in our corner of the country, or the people we’re with, it’s no surprise that so many ravers have so many great memories. FreakNight has been around for decades, and we hope it continues for decades more.
Share some of your favorite FreakNight memories with us by commenting below, on Facebook, or replying on Twitter!
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