As technology continues to evolve, our human experience evolves with it. Our favorite bass lines and classic buildups were not possible until the invention and integration of the computer, theremin, and synthesizer. The technology for music production improves constantly, as does the technology used to connect the music to the fans. Artists use social media to get their music recognized, to develop a fan base, and much more. In the past few years, the invention of Snapchat has given us a new insight into the lives of DJs.
While Snapchat had controversial beginnings, the application has been rebranded as another necessity in the social media world. The application shows highlights of events and cities from all around the world, while still having the ability to share a photo or video with whomever we choose.
Artists have utilized Snapchat to show fans what their lives are like behind the scenes. They show clips of unreleased music, show the crowds at music festivals, and reveal how much time is spent at airports, hopping from one event to the next. They joke around with friends, stay up extremely late and travel all around the world.
Through the use of Snapchat, artists show that they are just like us, albeit with crazy touring schedules and thousands of people grooving to their music. Check out our list below of the top 10 artist snapchat accounts:
- Justin Martin: mrJUSTINMARTIN
- Dillon Francis: dillonfrancis
- Markus Schulz: markusschulz
- Tycho: tychomusic
- SNBRN: mrsnbrn
- Anna Lunoe: annalunoe
- Chuckie: clydenarain
- Skrillex: skrilloo
- Destructo: destructohard
- 3LAU: dj3lau
Did we miss anyone? Who is your favorite DJ on snapchat? Let us know in the comments below!
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