Next, we delved into their favourite venues throughout the world they played at. Speaking to the differences between indoor and outdoor gigs, there certainly can be a different vibe. ”
“Outdoor festivals are different, and then there’s a beautiful regal theatre with a couple thousand people going bananas; it’s all different and it’s all amazing.”
It’s true; after seeing them crush an outdoor stage, we can definitely see why the guys love playing those outdoor gigs so much.
Getting to speak to such legendary performers, performers we grew up idolizing was such an amazing experience. Discussing their successes was thrilling. When asked how they continue their success, they said:
“Making sure we enjoy what we do, and not quitting the band always helps,” was the general consensus from Nick. “We’ve been together since 1999, 18 years, it’s been a long time now! Doesn’t seem like that long when you think about it.”
Being a life long Shapeshifter fan, we couldn’t resist asking about new material and what was next for the guys as they continue through 2017. It looks like they were “getting new material together” for a gig in London back on August 4th. They also added, they’ll “be recording [their] new EP to be released in a couple months.” Not to mention they’re in talks with some west coast promoters to come back our way within the next year, which is majorly exciting for everyone!
While winding down the interview, we were able to chat about Shapeshifter’s best ways of closing down their sets. Unanimously, it was “Monarch, it’s always a good one to close with.” Though they “swap it around though, through the years [they]’ve had so many different tunes.”
“You choreograph your set in tune with the venue, of course you get fresh tunes, it’s all about playing to the crowd.”
Shapeshifter also revealed one of their favourite touring partners, which would is unique pairing that some may not expect.
“Tool. That was probably the coolest act we’ve toured with for sure. We’ve gone through so many different acts and bands to tour with, so it’s hard to pick just one, but I think Tool takes it.”
Closing things off, the guys wanted to make it clear their excitement about being a part of Tall Tree.
“We’re honoured to be here, and hopefully this gig opens up more in this area in the future”,
After their performance and sitting down with the guys, we hope they come back here really soon. Big love to our new friends in Shapeshifter and the friends at Danio Management for making this interview happen. This will certainly not be the last you hear from these guys out on the west coast, mark our words.
So there you have it folks, a couple minutes to sit, take in a view, and have a chat with legendary New Zealand rockers! Check out their website here for the latest info on their tours and appearances. Make sure to also view their latest releases, available on Spotify.
Did you have the chance to catch their set at Tall Tree? Do you think Shapeshifter should make another west coast appearance? Let us know in the comments!
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26 years old, with a voracious appetite for bass, dancing, all things art, and a flair for the dramatic, Jamie Gib grew up in the rave scene, having been introduced to electronic music in the late 90s as a small child from his cousin and he joined the rave scene in 2004, and never looked back, A DJ, Promoter, Go-Go Dancer, and writer, Jamie has made his mark on the Vancouver Island scene and beyond, having worked or attended 90% of the festivals on the Pacific North West and has no plans on stopping there. If there's dirty house, drum n bass or glitch hop to be heard, you can bet he's not far behind.