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Porter Robinson
Porter Robinson's iconic Worlds stage.


Local Seattle DJ Captures Porter’s ‘Worlds’ Tour in Beautiful Video

Put quite simply, Porter Robinsons Worlds tour this last summer was not only a highlight of 2014, but for some of us it was one of the highlights of our lives thus far. The experience curated by Porter was like nothing else, with the visuals, music, even the confetti timed to craft an intense emotional connection. We’ve had the privilege of getting a fair amount of insight from Porter about the tour, but the most recent piece of big news to come from the tour isn’t from the man himself.

Ethan Gabriel, a local Seattle DJ, has spent over two months crafting a gorgeous 90 minute recap video of the tour spliced together from live sections that have been posted on various places such as SoundCloud and other fan videos from YouTube. We had the good fortune to get to talk to him about the process and what Porter’s music means to him. We were amazed to find out just how much time and effort he put into crafting the video. For the audio, some of his sources included r/PorterRobinson and a “mysterious fellow” who goes by the name of PorterRobinsonLive on SoundCloud.

[pullquote]”Porter’s music really resonated with me and I myself never got to see him live, so it was for myself too.” -Ethan Gabriel[/pullquote]What amounted to 90 minutes of YouTube joy took “well over 24 hours” to edit and pull together. There’s no denying that EDM fans are some of the most dedicated folks out there, and it’s incredible to see that Ethan spent so much time on a project that was purely for passion. We are incredibly thankful for the video he put together, as it allows us to relive those beautiful moments from last summer when Porter was here in the Northwest. What we love most though is that video comes from a local Seattle DJ; Ethan goes by the name Huntroxic, and when he’s not piecing together memories from our summer he’s making music. Check out his Soundcloud below, and watch his beautifully edited Porter Robinson movie to bring back the memories.

What do you think of Ethan’s video or his music? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter, or in the comments below.


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Written By

Lizzy has been raving since the wee age of 14 after being grounded for a month for having rave fliers in her bag. Like her other love, snowboarding, what was supposed to be "a phase" has become an essential part of her life and she is excited to see a new generation developing the same love.

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