Sandro Silva, a pioneer to the “big room” sound is back again with his newest single entitled Throne. In a world where big room house has quickly burned to flames, artists who originally helped craft the sounds and style have found themselves in a bind. While they wish to continue on the path of producing music that they love, some fans won’t give but who’s to blame? Hundreds of artists who’ve undoubtedly recycled percussion hits to shit or is it the fans who still continue to pay for $100 festival tickets to hear “festival” music, have the time of their lives, then spend weeks in between the next big festival sharing their hatred for big room festival sounds. Regardless, Sandro Silva continues on without question and without a doubt. For over 3 years
he’s stayed true to his sounds, producing recent massive hits like Payback and the Break remix he did for D.O.D.. Truthfully Throne may not be Sandro’s best release, it’s still full of originality and loyalty to the big room sound. While the build ups might lack a certain fullness, the hammer drops and you’re instantly thrown into a wild haze full of high pitched stabs and a crisp heavy kick. If you’re not a fan, you’ll probably hear this at the next big festival near you and dance anyways.
Pre order Throne on iTunes.
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