Paris Hilton recently announced that she will be releasing a new album. She describes it as, “deep house, techno-pop and electro-pop.” Paris Hilton has been DJing for seven years, and has had a residency in Ibiza for the past five years. With her seven years of DJing, and a number of singles, it only seems natural that she puts out a record. But to be honest, the whole thing doesn’t make sense.
Many of us learned about her in 2003 when her and Nicole Richie took to the small screen and became reality stars. It was from there that many of us learned that we could not take her seriously, and that perception never changed. When it comes to her new album, we will not be listening, and here is why.
Her name is carrying her, not her talent. In a recent interview with Billboard she said, “I love blowing people away, just changing people’s minds and showing them that I’m more talent than name.” She may change peoples minds, but she would not be selling out venues, have a residence, working with top musicians, if it weren’t for her name. A new DJ does not close out a Jennifer Lopez show in front of 30,000 people for their first show. She has risen to fame in EDM purely based on her name.
I don’t care to listen to “whatever the hottest, most popular track that’s happening right now.” She said it herself, she chooses the hottest tracks and plays them. We go to shows to hopefully be surprised and hear something different, not to hear just what is on the radio.
For many DJs, music is their life. Paris seems to have interest in a number of things, shoes, perfume, shirts and more. And she has the money and name to be able to pursue a number of those interests. I’m sure the music that makes the album will be tolerable. She will have the best technology, and a number of musicians at her finger tips, but I don’t think we need to give her any more attention.
Do you listen to Paris Hilton’s DJing? Do you disagree with our position? Share in the comments below!
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