Festival season is in full swing. With Sasquatch wrapped up, and Pemberton out of the picture, Paradiso 2017 isn’t too far down the road. Still, even the most patient festival goers are dragging their feet, counting the days until gates open on June 23, and music once again pours over the lush hillsides of the gorge.
That’s why USC Events teamed up with Foundation Nightclub to bring us SUBstance Wednesdays: Paradiso Pre-Party ft. Midnight Tyrannosaurus. It’s the official Paradiso pre-party, and it takes place two days before the festival begins, on June 21st. The talented lineup for the night includes Midnight Tyrannosaurus, local bass music duo INNIT, and fellow local Monte.
Tickets for the event are $14.01 after fees and taxes, and you can also get tickets at the door. The party starts at 10 p.m. and wraps up at 2 a.m., with drinks set at $3 for wells and $5 for a vodka Red Bull. According to the Facebook page, 250 people have already RSVP’d, so we’d recommend grabbing those tickets sooner rather than later. As always, a dress code will be in effect (although they’re allowing shorts for summer), so dress to impress. VIP tables are limited, so submit a request for one now if you plan on getting one.
Will you be in attendance? How do you prep for Diso? Let us know in the comments below.
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