[divider]The Heart Of It All[/divider]
This is one of the most massive productions in the PNW, planned all yearlong, and organized by hundreds of people; but what is it all for? Are we competing with other festivals like Tomorrowland in Belgium, Electric Daisy Carnival in Las Vegas? Are they simply trying to make a boatload of cash? No. The art, the music, the scenery, the atmosphere all this creates, it’s for YOU!
“We do this for you, we want you to enjoy it. Nothing you see at Paradiso just happened. Every single detail, light, video, sign, and booth was put there for a reason and that reason is because we want the attendees to have an unforgettable, unexpected experience.”
Jeremy teamed up with Darrius Washington to coordinate design and creation of the art installations this year. From what we hear, the result is supposed to be something god like. Art that makes you forget where you traveled from, makes you forget you’re attending a music festival, and puts you in another world entirely. This world Darrius and Jeremy have help design and create, well, to put it simply, they’re extremely excited to share it with you!
“This year, Darrius Washington and I teamed up to bring in existing art structures alongside creating our own to build community with artists from around the world and give a diverse style to the festival.
That’s all for now. We don’t want to spoil Paradiso for you, or any following articles that may be coming up! We hope you got the taste of Paradiso 2015 on the tip of your tongue and are hungry for more. Almost two short weeks until we call the Gorge home again, and we couldn’t be more excited. If you haven’t entered out VIP giveaway yet, DO SO, you have nothing to lose but a few seconds of your time, and everything to gain! Also, most of us here have started setting aside what we’re bringing to Paradiso this year, it’s never too early to start. Have you thought about what you’re bringing yet?
Follow and download our Paradiso Checklist, and make sure you don’t forget anything this year! One last thing, make sure you’re familiar with all the artists this year before you arrive with our genre-by-genre artist guide we made just for you! More exciting things to come, so stay tuned.
Important things happen in Pacific Northwest nightlife, and DMNW will send you alerts!