It’s always hard sifting through set times to decide which artists you’ll be taking in and which you’ll be missing, but the day has arrived where we can finally start that difficult process. USC Events is here now with our Paradiso set times, and you can bet there will be lots of last minute calls and running between stages. To Andrew Rayel taking over the Digital Oasis at the same time as Bassnectar on Friday, to Seven Lions and Excision having their sets overlap on Saturday, there’ll be plenty of coin-flipping over the next week.
Regardless, we can now plan out our weekend of music accordingly and are beyond excited for what’s about to transpire at the Gorge come next Friday. For all the Paradiso tips, tricks, and info you could possibly need, keep checking in for more updates (and to get familiar with the lineup genre-by-genre, check out our handy Paradiso artist guide here)! We hope to see you all there; keep an eye out for Dance Music Northwest team members, and of course remember to start hydrating now!
[divider]SET TIMES[/divider]
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