Are you the kid in school who sits and looks out the window, daydreaming of virtually anything but the subject your teacher is droning on about? Do you dread going to Math and English, but can’t wait to get to music class? You are more talented with Ableton and less experienced with a pen and paper, and you find it crucial to race home after the day and move your musical thoughts into an audible masterpiece? Well, it’s your lucky day. Armada Music, DJ Mag, Point Blank Music School, and Google + have officially opened an Academy of Electronic Music. Yes, you heard us correctly. The world’s first online music school giving aspiring producers and DJs a chance to share their tracks as well as get feedback from experts in the industry, peers, and their own favorite musicians. This electronic music academy also features something even more exciting: While attending the school, there is a chance to be mentored into being the world’s next big super-star producer. The winner gets his/her track signed to Armada Music. For those of you who don’t know, Armada Music has been awarded the best global dance label going for five years running.
The school will mainly be an all-inclusive online community. In addition to being global, seven skilled and talented students will be chosen to be trained professionally by Point Blank. With twenty years experience, Point Blank will educate aspiring musicians by pairing them with some of the UK’s leading producers and taking their craft to a new level by one on one interaction.
All styles of electronic dance music are welcome. The top fifty genres are determined by public voting and will enter to the next selection phase. During the Amsterdam Music festival, a live stream will announce the seven selected talents who will join the academy. When the school begins, the seven artists will be taught the ins and outs of the electronic music world. They will have exclusive lessons and collaborate with some of Point Blank’s expert tutors and famous producers. Since the program will be broadcasted live, the pubic will be able to interact with the students and gain insight from these sessions.
The official launch date is September 3 and shortly following that the seven talented individuals will be selected on October 19th. School starts on October 21st so don’t forget to study your BPM’s and program your MIDI’s! Do you have what it takes to be the world’s next huge producer?
Join the Academy of Electronic Music here, and don’t worry; you don’t need your prerequisites.
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