Greetings Earthlings; we have uncovered an unusual documentation of music from a galaxy far away known as “Andromeda.” Weighted with Sacred Geometry, intergalactic space travel, bizarre conspiracies, and ancient concepts, we’ve been trying to decipher the message. Cosmic creator and producer Hatiras has just released his new concept album Message From 04244, and we’ve never seen anything like it.
A love story, a journey of self exploration, or an adventure through space, this album is up for interpretation and full of symbolism. The creativity and thought Hatiras puts behind his work is absolutely mind-blowing. The haunting album begins with a “Farewell.” We don’t know quite what is going on yet, but the track gives way to impossibly lush beds of synth, and a mysterious voice delivering a cryptic message, leaving the listener aching to know the story behind Andromeda.
“All history is deleted. I’ve gone back to Andromeda. You won’t see me anymore, and…I won’t see you.” – Message From 04244
Message From 04244 is much more than an album; it’s a multi-dimensional love story; a voyage of raw emotion and self discovery; all hidden immaculately between heavy, groove-building, cosmic production .Following the whole album from start to finish will take any listener on a ride through depths and diversity of Hatiras’ curious and magical space voyage. And believe us when we say that it’s nothing short of amazing.
Stay tuned later this week for more decoding of Message From 04244 from Hatiras himself while we uncover what mysteries lie beneath the surface.
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Nathaniel Mazzetti
December 4, 2022 at 8:25 am
Super strona