Last Friday one of the most underrated DJ/Producers of 2018 debuted his second EP of the fall season. Lido released IOU2 Friday, November 16. Seven weeks after the release of IOU1 during September. The producer also known as Trippy Turtle has been working hard in the studio all of 2018. IOU2 is the third EP Lido has released this year under his glitch hop project.
Lido strictly performs only live shows (think like Odesza and Flume). Similarly to Odesza, he has rarely performed DJ sets in the last few years. In his shows, he incorporates several instruments such as live singing, piano, drums, and orchestra. Lido also sang and recorded all the vocals on IOU2.
Skrillex, Louis The Child, Jaden Smith, Halsey, and many others have been credited in aiding the production process of IOU2. Lido’s creativity was forced to the highest level because he had multiple ears working with him on these songs. The songs from IOU2 are experimental ideas that have been stretched and bent to perfection.
Lido took to Twitter to credit the 20+ people who helped him complete this project. For example, six people were credited for one song, EX.
Thank you @thedjslow
Thank you @madeon
Thank you @BunBTrillOG UGK4LIFE
Thank you @Skrillex
Thank you @halsey
Thank you @TheKiaraAna and all the string and horn players on the track.
I O U— Peder (@Lido) November 18, 2018
Standout Tracks:
The opening track immediately shows us Lido’s world. With his own voice, he tells a story from his past. Powerful background instrumentation guides us through an up and down adventure. Functioning as the perfect introduction. EX shows us a glimpse of Lido’s full power.
Emotional songs such as EX are interesting because they are open to multiple meanings that differ from listener to listener. The mystery behind the characters further aids in the ambiguous meaning. If this song is your first introduction to Lido’s music then we advise you listen to his live performance of I Love You from 2015. Throughout his career as Lido and Trippy Turtle, the Norwegian producer has consistently pushed the limits of dance music.
Perhaps the standout track of the EP. All five songs have their place and provide exceptional experiences, but Vultures reigns supreme. Listed as third on the album, it acts as the climax of the IOU2 experience. The music video was released November 16 in conjunction with the EP. Vultures is a dark and powerful song.
Vultures explains the mistakes made during a past relationship. The theme ultimately tells us that we can get through any emotional experience and be stronger the next time. Lido is not pretending that life always has a fairy-tale ending. He is confronting our daily struggles and showing us how to defeat them. The remaining lyrics paint powerful meanings while Lido exclaims, “ I Told my best friend about the first time that I saw you. I told my best friend about the best times we had.”
IOU1 and IOU2 are polar opposites
Lido’s work on IOU2 is admittedly darker and more mysterious than its counterpart IOU1. Part one adopts an optimistic point of view, songs such as Outstanding and 3 Million. The two EPS act as different sides on a coin, a yin and yang, optimistic and pessimistic. Both of the projects feel very real and they simultaneously remind us of our past. When you have time press play on Lido’s IOU1
If this is your first time hearing about producer Lido here is a little history for you. His first production project was in 2010 under the stage name LidoLido before changing his name to Lido in 2014. He originally gained support from OWSLA and Mad Decent in 2013 under his Trippy Turtle alias. Lido recently retired the Trippy Turtle Project in February 2018 to focus full time on his main project. But In Lido’s September Reddit AMA, he hinted at possibly putting on the Trippy Turtle onesie again in the future.
We hope you enjoy listening to IOU2. It is refreshing hearing so many unique songs. IOU2 is drastically different than what we are used to hearing in electronic dance music. If you are eager for more Lido dig through his discography. Check out Lido’s 2016 debut album Everything.
What do you think about the EP? Let us know on Twitter or Facebook!
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