[divider]3. Balancing Life and Music[/divider]
One thing we find is true for all of the artists we get the opportunity to talk to is they all have lives back home that they seek to stay in tune with while out on the road . Becky and John both have spouses and children that they miss when they aren’t able to join them on tour like John’s wife was able to for the Gorge stop. They are very thankful that unlike the old days when they would have been crammed in a van together for weeks on end on tour they are typically only gone for a few days at a time and then able to fly home to their families. As might be expected they both shared that the hours and travel are the most challenging part of being out on the road, but the time away also affords some fantastic writing opportunity.
We were surprised to find just how much writing and producing they are able to get while out on the road. John and Becky value their time out on the road because they have more time to themselves and are somewhat sequestered, enabling them to focus in on projects, not to mention the fact that it means they have face time with each other to collaborate and bounce off ideas. It’s not all grueling work though as they shared that they got to spend some time at a mountain resort in Taiwan to work on writing. There was also no shortage of shenanigans on Late Night Alumni’s tour with Myon and Shane 54. Becky gushed that the view of the Gorge was one of the most awe-inspiring she’d ever had so we can only hope that it might inspire something beautiful from them in the future.
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