KR$CHN & Joan Of Art come to us today with their original track Coming Down. There are so many different styles mashed into one, it makes for a very unique and catchy track. Who are the artists though? KR$CHN is from Chicago, and likes to produce house, hip-hop, trap, and dubstep. What a combo, right? As for Joan Of Art (Saliou Seck), he hails from Nantes, France. Seck only defines the music he likes to produce as “Electronic and Urban Dance Music”.
Regardless of where they come from, they found each other, and gave us a piece of electro-trap magic. The track starts out very dream like, and progresses with a soft bubbly synth. All of a sudden, a man says, “Bounce”, and the feel of the track changes from dreamy, to upbeat electro-trap like. But wait there’s more, in the second break, the soft synth transforms into a crunchy sound, and then back again. Although it sounds pretty strange, you’ll really want to hear it for yourself. Be sure to check it out below, because it’s definitely in a category of its own.
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