Eric Prydz is one of the most respected DJs and producers in all of dance music history. When he first crossed paths with Sweden and London natives Jeremy Olander and Jonas Fehr (Fehrplay), he knew they were something special. Within the last few years both Jeremy and Jonas have been signed to Eric’s legendary label Pryda Friends, which was founded in 2006.
They’ve spent the last 6 months touring across the world on their Pryda & Friends tour pretty much non stop and they’ve finally released their first collaboration. First of many, we hope. Bringing the true meaning of progressive house to life, we’ve found ourselves mind blown from the get-go.
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“We’ve been on the road for over 2 months in North America and it’s been such an amazing experience for both of us! Amazingly we haven’t killed each other yet In fact, sharing this experience and representing Pryda together is one of the reasons this tour has been so special. We’ve travelled from coast to coast, played some amazing venues in front of fantastic crowds in incredible cities. On the road we managed to even write some music, and it seemed fitting for the first thing we wrote together, we give to you guys for free as a thank you for all your love and support.
We feel truly blessed to be able to do what we do, and we love you guys for giving us the opportunity to do it, because at the end of the day it’s you, the fans, who make this all possible!
We end our tour in New York City this weekend at Pacha. If you’re in town come down and party with us – we’re going out with a big fucking bang!!!
Big Love,
Jeremy & Jonas”
If we’ve learned anything from this first collaboration from Jeremy Olander and Jonas, it’s that we should be nothing but excited for what’s to come from them in the future. We even had the opportunity to experience their live tour here in Seattle at Foundation Nightclub. You can view pictures here.
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