If you have been on social media for the past few days, you probably saw all the hype about Herobust’s new EP Vertebreaker. We decided it was time for us to give it a listen, and be warned, you might not be able to walk with your head up afterward. Herobust took his unique style of “dirty dub meets dirty south” to the next level. A job well done.
We are not the only ones who are obsessing over this new EP. The Atlanta DJ is getting nothing but support from fellow DJs on social media. From The Chainsmokers to Delta Heavy to Flux Pavilion, and the list goes on.
Herobust gave us a little extra on his new EP by making all the song titles a play on words. The song Dirt Heater Tea is a play on “dirty dirty” and Just Dawn Hue is “just on you”. We will let you sit around and figure the rest out on your own.
Talk about perfect timing. The Vertebreaker tour will be hitting the Pacific Northwest in the next month, and thanks to Herobust, we can now headbang while we wait.
What are your thoughts on the new EP? Leave a comment and let us know!
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