Blueprint was able to once again host a memorable night, and leave us eager to return for Get Together. From the very begining of the night, all the way to the final song at 4am; we were overly pleased the the lineup, the crowd, the production and, most importantly, the overall value the event had. Certainly anyone who hasn’t had the opportunity to attend a Blueprint massive should be sure to catch their next one. Get Together was able to do exactly what it set out to do from the beginning; bringing together a diverse group of dance loving individuals to celebrate the night with an amazing lineup of talent.

While Get Together is considerably smaller than some of the other massives hosted by Blueprint, we can already tell they’ve stepped up their game for 2016. With Seasons 2016 just around the corner and we’re excited to return to Vancouver in a few short weeks to see what they have in store for us. We’d like to thank the entire staff who put in countless hours of work to make sure these events are what they are. Hoping to see you all on the dance floor soon, be sure to give us a follow on Instagram and Twitter and like us on Facebook to find out where we’ll be next!