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gareth emery "U"


Gareth Emery Gets You Right In The Feels

Dance music is an amazing community that looks out for one another. There are so many stories of how this music has helped people through tough times in their life, and in some cases has actually saved lives. Dance music welcomes all walks of life and encourages an open mind and loving heart. Nearly everybody in the dance community has read Kaskade’s Tumblr post on dance music called “No One Knows Who We Are”, where he mentions all of these points, but it’s rare that we actually get to see those sentiments on camera.

Gareth Emery reminded us of the good in the world when he shared a video from TomorrowWorld. The video shows two girls at the venue for TomorrowWorld enjoying his track U. Except this went beyond listening to the track. One girl is actually using American Sign Language to communicate the lyrics to her deaf friend. The video is short but you can see so much pleasure coming from the girl that is using sign language from just being able to communicate those very powerful words from the song. We do warn you that this video will get the eyes to well up from the sheer beauty of it. Chances are you have probably already seen it because it has over 850,000 views on Facebook.

If fifteen seconds could ever sum up the spirit of electronic dance music, this would be it.

We have reached out to Gareth’s management in hopes to get in contact with these girls. We want to hear the story of how they became friends and what dance music means to them. We will let you know just as soon as we have something to share. Speaking of sharing, what was an emotional moment for you personally at an electronic show?


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Written By

Phillip was raised on so many different genres of music, it has given him a unique perspective into the ever evolving music scene. Trance music began defining his life at the young age of 14, but thoroughly enjoys any type of music equally. He sees the music as an escape from the daily doldrums of life and says music can change a persons life in an instant pulling from his own experiences. His only goal in life is to share wonderful music with people and take electronic music to a higher plain with more accountability and creating a safer environment for his friends.

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Founded in 2013. © 2021 Dance Music Northwest, LLC.


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