Josh Gard’s production of Monsters Volume 5 is incredible. Figure’s found a definite niche with his style. He has stuck with the same sound long enough to have truly perfected it. Figure’s sampling of scary movies seems even more improved on Monsters Volume 5 when compared with the preceding volumes. By prolonging samples and using them more as a build up rather than just a soundbyte before the drop, Figure has somehow found a way to make his songs even more ominous. Figure’s pace change in the drops of tracks like Friday the 13th also highlight the producer’s versatility.
Feature Track: Figure- Friday the 13th
One of the most surprising aspects of this album was Figure’s collaboration with emcees such as Cas One, Kool Keith, Bitter Stephens and D-Styles. The rugged and quick lyrical style, particularly of Cas One and Bitter Stephens, overwhelmingly complement the aggressiveness of Monsters Volume 5. The hip hop presented on the album is limited enough to not be invasive and Figure meticulously picks his spots on where the verses are placed. The lyrics function amazingly well in building the listener up to an epic Figure drop and that is why they work. Check out Pennywise the Clown below. It might be the best song on Monsters Vol. 5. Figure and Cas One have collaborated before, which could be a reason why the two have so much chemistry.
Feature Track: Figure and Brawler feat. Cas One- Pennywise the Clown
Monsters Volume 5 is cohesive in that it maintains the nightmare-inducing, bass heavy sound throughout the duration of the album. If you do not consider yourself a basshead, you might have to listen to Monsters Vol. 5 in increments. There is hardly a break from the nightmare-inducing bass brought by Figure so prepare yourself! There isn’t an overwhelming flow of the album on a track-to-track basis, as changing the order of the songs would not affect Monsters Volume 5’s listenability. Freddy Krueger does the best job of helping the album stick together. Being right in middle of Monsters Vol. 5 and also one of the best tracks on the album, Freddy Krueger features a minute long sample of Nightmare on Elm Street before Figure’s bass drop quickly destroys you. Freddy Krueger undoubtedly exemplifies Figure’s sound as a whole.
Feature Track: Figure- Freddy Kreuger
In order to carry on a beloved album series for five years running, you kind of have to be at least a little bit original. Figure has such a unique style that almost everything he produces sounds original. Throughout all of the Monsters segments, Josh Gard has created a cinematic storyline with his music. Monsters Volume 5 does incredible justice in maintaining the bloodcurdling vibe of Volumes 1-4 while introducing enough variance to stay fresh. Monster Mania (which helped us celebrate Halloween early last February) takes Figure back to his electro roots and the hair-raising, rap filled intro House on Haunted Hill foreshadows what is to come on the rest of the album. Both songs are perfect examples of Figure immense originality.
Feature Track: Figure feat. Cas One- House on Haunted Hill
To listen to Figure’s Monsters Volume 5, follow the SoundCloud link below or better yet, purchase the album on BeatPort. Also, throw Figure a follow on SoundCloud. You can be sure that he will surprise you with more skull crushing tracks in the future!
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