Shake the dust off those flower crowns and break out the perlers kits, because the much-anticipated festival season of 2015 is fast approaching. Whether you’re prepping for a trip to Vancouver B.C. for Seasons Festival or planning the annual pilgrimage to the Gorge for Paradiso, our team here at Dance Music Northwest have taken it upon ourselves to make sure you’re prepared for your festival of choice.
It’s safe to say that many of us have been in a similar predicament. Say your favorite artist is coming to town, but your significant other had to cancel last minute. Or perhaps there’s a festival coming up, but none of your friends are able to go. You are left with two options: attend the event solo or stay at home and watch Netflix.
The truth is, raving alone doesn’t have to be lonely. It’s an entirely different experience attending an event by yourself than with a friend or a crew. You’re free to explore and see whoever you want, without having to inform other people. You can stand as close or as far away as you want to the stage, not to mention maneuver through crowds easier. There’s no waiting around for anyone in long lines or to meet up with you (by the sound booth in the back that they can’t seem to find, even though it’s so obvious).
If you’re planning to attend an event alone, or considering the option, there are a few do’s and don’ts to keep mind to ensure you have the best experience possible.
Do: Forget what your mother told you when you were younger about, “not talking to strangers.” Step out of your comfort zone and talk to people. While this tip seems like a no brainer, it’s one of the most essential things to do if you’re raving solo. You’ll never know what connections you’ll make if you never say hello. Just imagine how many friendships that have been established through the act of trading kandi…we’re guessing an astonishing number.
Don’t: The medic units and event crew are always there to help, don’t be afraid to ask for it. While this tip applies to anyone in attendance, it’s especially important to remember if you’re at an event alone. You may not have someone there to keep an eye on you, so it’s crucial to monitor yourself and get help if needed.
Do: It’s important to be over prepared with the raving essentials. Without having a friend or group in stow, you don’t have the security of knowing someone has your back, say if you needed gum or money for water. Although ravers are notoriously generous people, it’s best to come prepared with everything you might need.
Don’t: Dissatisfaction occurs when reality doesn’t live up to your expectations, so the best course of action is to have none. Go with the flow! Expect nothing and you may just leave the rave with everything.
We turned to the Reddit community and asked our fellow ravers to share their insight and experiences with attending events solo. Here are a few of our favorite responses:
User ahack12:
The best thing about going to a festival alone is the ability to truly do whatever you want. You want to go check out a lesser known artist on a side stage? Feel free; you don’t have to coordinate it with anyone. If you want to just hang out in the shade for a bit, just sit down and relax. It’s very liberating being able to do whatever you want without having to make sure it is okay with other people.
User RollinJibs:
As long as you’re dancing and having fun, people will gravitate your way and feed off your vibes. Looking like a creeper in the corner will not help your cause. Have fun and you’ll make new friends.
User Sister_Treefro:
I went to EDC, Coachella, and shows essentially alone… You’re not contained to a combined schedule of several people so it is more relaxing over all. There’s time for self reflection and introspective meditation in between seeing artists that you normally wouldn’t have with a group.
Raving is arguably one of the most visceral music experiences one can enjoy. The marriage of lights, sound, and the energy of the crowd create a perfect union; a high that’s unrivaled by any substance on the market. There’s nothing like being surrounded by a sea of strangers at a show, all united under the same soundtrack.
For many, attending an event on one’s own is a scary idea. You aren’t guaranteed the support system you normally have when accompanied by a buddy or a group of friends. On the other hand, it can be a time for self discovery. It’s you, the music, and an infinite number of possible connections waiting to be made. Whether you’re raving alone or with a squad, the experience is truly what you make of it.
We want to hear about your solo raving experiences! Do you have any personal advice or tips you’d like to share? Let us know down below, on our Facebook, or Tweet us.
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