After the tragic death of two Electric Zoo festival attendees last year, co-creators Mike Bindra and Laura DePalma realized the need to create a safer environment for future festival attendees. While it’s extremely unfortunate that these deaths were found to be linked with illegal substance use, the co-creators are trying to make amends by forming a safety and awareness group known as the zookeepers.
As part their quest to create a safer habitat, the co-creators wanted to incorporate a conscious crew-like group to help protect its “animals”. The safety and awareness group zookeepers is set to be composed of medical students who are at the festival to help attendees with any medical emergencies that may arise. Bindra and DePalma are hoping that by being pro-active and fixing the problem at its source it will help save lives.
Although some people believe it’s possible to eliminate drug use all together, the co-founders are taking a more realistic approach, as they attempt to make it less intimidating for those who are in trouble to seek out help. Keeping last year’s festival deaths in mind, the co-creators move forward and attempt to better things this time around.
While it’s always saddening to have lost fellow festival lovers, it’s refreshing to see Bindra and DePalma taking action and responsibility as they work to improve safety and health at future festivals.
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