[divider]Getting Together at the Main Event[/divider]
Once we checked into our hotel and got settled in, we were ready to begin our night in earnest. We headed out the door and hailed a cab (it’s about $12 American for the 10-15 minute ride to the Pacific Coliseum). As we grabbed our tickets from will call and walked in, it was pretty clear to us that Get Together was a well-oiled machine. The lines moved fast, the security at the door involved your standard bag search and pat down, and before we knew it we were inside and ready to kick things off.
Jaytech started things off to a crowd still filing in, but by the time Will Sparks and ilan Bluestone were up, it filled up fast. That being so, making it close to the front while still having room to dance was never a struggle. The crowds were beyond courteous, people were friendly and genuinely looking to strike up conversations, and we came across a stroke of good luck when we met one of the lead promoters for the club hosting the after-party. After purchasing a ticket from him for one in our group who had previously missed out, we continued on into the night.

Photo Credit: Blueprint Events
Myon and Shane 54 followed by Gareth Emery closed out the main event, giving us a beautiful range of trance, progressive, and everything in between to finish things out. But the night was far from over once Gareth closed down the stage with Concrete Angel. We headed back toward Granville for the after-party at Caprice Nightclub, featuring yet-to-be-announced artists. After a five minute wait in line, we walked in to see Jaytech already on the decks, in a venue where virtually anyone could be within high-fiving distance of the DJ. Once Jaytech finished out his second set of the night, ilan Bluestone took over for a journey through the harder, darker avenues of trance.
As ilan came to the end of his set, Myon and Shane 54 took over to send the night home. Needless to say their energy was palpable, as they stole fans’ phones to take photos, sang-along with ilan still hanging around behind them in the booth, and looked to be having the best time out of just about anyone in the room. All this led us to the 4am closing time, wearily sending us back to our hotel to grab a couple hours of sleep before waking up for work in the morning.