The men of Dirtyphonics are no strangers to FreakNight festivities. In fact, it was just a few years ago when the talented French foursome last graced a stage at Seattle’s Halloween extravaganza. But it wasn’t just any gig.
[quote style=”1″ author=”Dirtyphonics”]The very first U.S. gig we ever did was right here at Freaknight back in 2009.[/quote]
Seattle has the distinct honor of being the first American city to experience the high-octane live energy that defines any Dirtyphonics performance. Whether it’s vaulting head-first into the crowd or jumping up on the decks, “[they’re] down for everything.” FreakNight 2013 was no exception, as they put on a tutorial in stage-diving, rowdiness, and general bass-induced debauchery you could only find in one place.
But rather than continuing to sum up their approach with flowery prose not befitting of a musical talent that transcends words, we’ll allow Dirtyphonics to speak for themselves.
[quote style=”1″ author=”Dirtyphonics”]Whatever. We’re here to rage.[/quote]
And rage they did.
Almost as important was the stunning locale that party took place in. In past years, the bass stage at FreakNight has been in the same place, with production values limited to a few lights behind the decks. This year, it was a basshead’s paradise.
The mainstage took the prize for design. Over at the Midway of Mayhem, the name of the game was lasers. But in the Bass Asylum (if you’ll pardon the terrible metaphor), the inmates were running the show. The four pillars that always stood in the four corners of the floor donned head-to-toe LED panels, igniting the room like never before. Patrons of the Asylum cared only about the hard sweaty bass that dominated their FreakNight experience, making you hard-pressed to find anyone who could bring themselves to leave.
Dirtyphonics perfectly embodied the philosophy of that stage. Any time you ask a basshead’s about their refusal to venture out for house or trance, you can bet the response is the same across the board: Whatever. We’re here to rage.
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Read all our Freaknight 2013 coverage here!
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