Need to chill out for a bit, or maybe you need a new easygoing track for your snowboarding playlist? Digitalism’s got your back, and so do we! Today we present Digitalism’s brand new track Fahrenheit 32, and an important message from the German duo as well. Jence & Isi offer this free track up to you, the fans, and ask for your patience. The two announce that Fahrenheit 32 is a turning point, a new direction for their music in 2014. Consequently, they will be spending more time in the music studio, focusing on their new sound, and working with other artists as well. This is their gift to you, so spread the good word!
[quote style=”1″ author=”The Digitalism”]Today – 21st January 2014 – we bestow upon you a gift, a completely new piece of music from the Vaults of the Digitalism Music bunker in Hamburg called ’Fahrenheit 32!’ Available exclusively for you to play, download, share, burn, cut to vinyl, edit, remix, bootleg, mash-up, the options are endless.[/quote]
Fahrenheit 32 has such a chill bass line, you can’t help but tap your foot and nod along to the beat. Light pipe synths caress our ears, whispering sweet electronic notes. Cut to kick, snare, and bass; only Digitalism could pull this off and still keep us deep within the track. Entrancing and happy, Fahrenheit 32 was brought into this world for one reason, and one reason only; to bring you Joyfully into the light that is Digitalism’s new direction. Listen, download, and enjoy this new track, completely free of charge. Remember, this track is but a small piece of what we have to look forward to in 2014. Can you imagine all the amazing new possibilities? We will be sure to cover their latest and greatest, so stay tuned.
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