[divider]Mastering Their Craft[/divider]
Coming up with an amazing track or banger, every producer knows that it can be a long and frustrating process. By putting in those long hours and 5am nights when the moment comes makes those hours all worth it. DJing can be a form of release, or a way to escape from the production room. Spending long nights in the studio while still touring on the side, it can be nice having breaks from one another at times.
They’re both exciting but in different ways; Theo I like producing a little more because it’s a little more technical but I mean for me it is, I like DJing too though. I think DJing is more fun because its not so technical because sometimes when you’re working it can be long and frustrating, but when the final product is done it all pays off.
All that hard work has been paying off for the duo, as they quickly found themselves with a loyal following across the globe. In the end, the yin and yang of their DJing and producing made for the perfect combination.
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