If there’s one thing Deadmau5 is good at, it’s keeping us on our toes. Whether it’s planning a studio complex that’s bigger than his mansion or driving Uber customers in his Meowclaren we never quite know what Deadmau5 will do next, but we know he’ll almost always tweet about it. As our title may have suggested, the latest gift to the internet from our beloved Joel is the entirety of > album title goes here < available as a free download on Google Play.
Wait, a free legal album from someone you actually want to listen to? Yes, dear readers, tis’ true. Deadmau5’s album featuring the gorgeous The Veldt is available to download. Curiously enough, this free album was made available with little to no fanfare, not even a tweet. We have no idea how long it will be available for, so you are encouraged to run, not walk, your digital selves over to download it before it’s too late.
> album title goes here < may not be one of his most recent releases, but it’s an album that certainly holds up to the test of time, unlike others that have been out for over a year. Enjoy the early Christmas gift of free music; perhaps you’ll listen to it while compiling some of the other items on your Christmas list.
Download the album below, and while you’re at it give one of our favorite tracks off of it a listen. What’s your favorite track on > album title goes here <? Tell us below!
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