Maybe you have some negative opinions about Deadmau5. Maybe you love him. Despite all our opinions, we think it’s a big deal that he is releasing a song with The Neptunes.
The Neptunes consist of Pharell Williams and Chad Hugo. Exploding onto the scene in the 90s, the Neptunes quickly established themselves as one of the most iconic producers in music history.
— Goat lord (@deadmau5) May 18, 2020
There was no information about when this song would be released… Until this week when the song appeared on both Deadmau5 and The Neptune’s Spotify. Did Pharrell Williams and Deadmau5 find a compromise between their music? Is the final product a hybrid of their styles? Or perhaps something new? We found a funky electronic hybrid, with sounds reminiscent of late ‘80’s early-‘90’s. But don’t be fooled, this isn’t a mainstream sound at all.
With the first phase of promotion underway, we hope that the official release will be ready for release soon. In the meantime there has been plenty of Mau5 in 2020. i_o and No Mana are currently setting the pace for the Mau5trap label. Deadmau5, himself, has been active with his BSOD alias.
Don’t forget about his other side project: Testpilot. The techno side project has kept Deadmau5 busy and Testpilot has helped him with writer’s block. The freedom to create music for your own entertainment, without pressure, is a powerful thing.
Thoughts about Mau5 and The Neptunes new single? Will it flop? Maybe you’ll be surprised? Let us know in our comments section on Facebook, and Twitter!
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