Did you really think deadmau5 was going to quit Twitter for real this time? The controversial DJ has returned to social media with a vengeance, this time with an accusation against hardstyle producer Wildstylez. The mau5 is claiming Wildstylez “pretty much ripped off” one of his chord progressions, and he may have a solid argument (although from our standpoint it could very well go either way).
The hardstyle track in question, Straightforward, does appear to borrow heavily from deadmau5’s Some Chords, but in terms of it being “identical” we’re not completely convinced. But don’t let us stop you from judging for yourself–compare the two tracks and see what you think:
The two artists fired back and forth at each other on Twitter soon thereafter, with Wildstylez claiming his inspiration came from a completely different song altogether. Volleys were lobbed, more accusations were thrown around, and people just got generally upset.
@deadmau5 Love your stuff, but you're taking a little too much credits here.
— Wildstylez (@wildstylez) February 20, 2014
@deadmau5 heard this on the radio right before I started the track http://t.co/crgDWT2d8T
But thanks anyway.— Wildstylez (@wildstylez) February 20, 2014
if youre going to rip off "some chords" rip off SOME chords… not ALL OF THEM. IN THE SAME FUCKIN ORDER. lol
— Goat lord (@deadmau5) February 20, 2014
All plagiarism aside though, the controversy lit the interwebs aflame, as loyal hardstylers came at deadmau5 in full force following the accusations. Never one to avoid voicing his opinions in an internet fight, Joel quickly responded to the onslaught.
allright "hardstyle" dont get your kandi and glowsticks in a bunch… this is between me and a producer. not you. plur bro. PLEEEEEEEEEERRRR
— Goat lord (@deadmau5) February 20, 2014
scared to leave my house. hardstyle gangs, shuffling to hardstyle all over the city of toronto on every corner. watching my back. always.
— Goat lord (@deadmau5) February 20, 2014
please flood my timeline with pics of your cat. if i see the word "hardstyle" again today, im going to vomit. cats please.
— Goat lord (@deadmau5) February 20, 2014
Who doesn’t love a good Twitter war? It wasn’t long before deadmau5 closed out his night of social media on Facebook, explaining to enraged hardstylers of the world that he didn’t have anything against their genre per se. In the end, it boiled down to an artist who worked hard on a song feeling cheated by another who created a suspiciously similar one years later. Whether or not it was an outright case of stealing is something we can’t be certain of, but it yielded an entertaining battle nonetheless.
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