This mysterious duo of robots has always captivated us with their antics and incredible music. Well, it looks like they will likely be making Lego appearances in the near future. We already have the Daft Punk action figures, but it seems as if this DJ duo has enough support for a Lego idea. What an awesome concept for the truly passionate Daft Punk fans. As the fan ,you could potentially design your own nightclub and have the french robots play for you and your friends (imaginatively).
The idea was started on the Legos Idea page in May of 2013 by the user Autorazr. Currently, there are 135 days left on the project. The idea needs to reach 10,000 supporters and it is currently halfway there. Once at 10,000 supporters, Lego reviews the project as a potential project. Lego had this to say:
This project is speeding and it isn’t stopping. This project didn’t just get lucky, the detail and thought behind the project speaks for itself. Just make sure you celebrate 1,000+ supporters by losing yourself to the dance! Good luck as you continue to work it, make it, do it, until you reach 10,000 Supporters!
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