These massives offer bits of the best parts of both the festival and club experience. With more artists to enjoy, and more options, the value of these events makes them more than worth considering. Combining the space and comfort of a venue like the WaMu Theater with the affordability of a one-night lineup full of your favorite artists is often too much to turn down. Especially when genre-specific massives, like bass-filled Safe In Sound or titanic tech-house Dirtybird BBQs, make their way to town.
Of course, after shows like these, we often want more. And while some tours and artists manage to consistently make their way to the Northwest, there are still those few who, if we really want to see them, we’ll be attending a major festival. Accumulating anywhere from dozens to hundreds of artists, multi-day, multi-stage festivals are taking over. From North America to Europe to Asia and beyond, dance music festivals are popping up and taking place anywhere and anytime they can.
The Northwest alone boasts more than a few fantastic festivals, like Paradiso, Shambhala, WTF?!, SASQUATCH!, and many more. With more artists, stages, lasers, lights, and friends than we can handle, these festivals are what many dance music fans dream about all winter long. The incredible production, lineups, and amenities we’ve become accustomed to all come at a cost, with hefty ticket prices the norm. For veteran ravers, the ticket cost is expected, planned for, and budgeted long before it becomes a major issue.
Requiring a bit more coordination and planning, festival attendance is to be taken seriously, and when successfully prepared for, can lead to incredible life-long memories. Of course, so can trips to your club of choice, or that massive that somehow has all of your favorite acts in one lineup. But, if you were putting together your perfect night(s), which style of show would you prefer: club, massive, or festival?
We’re blessed to have so many different styles and types of shows in the Northwest, and figuring out where to spend our time and money, with no bad choices, is a great debate to have. Let us know which type of show you prefer, and which shows you’ll be attending next! Comment below, on Facebook, or reply on Twitter!
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