Everyone here at Dance Music Northwest has been listening to the iTunes first play on repeat. We are patiently awaiting one of the most anticipated album launches of the new year. Debates range from what the best tracks are to the implications of having Justine Suissa back in the fold (please let Oceanlab come back!), to how the new album compares to the old ones. Well, now Above & Beyond is going…well…above and beyond (hah!) by releasing a behind the scenes look at how they created this dynamic and inspiring album.
The trailer alone calls out the industry itself and explains how Above & Beyond has been able to create such beautiful masterpieces. Paavo explains that in an industry full of people making a lot of noise, no one really listens. Sometimes the way you need to get someone to pay attention is to whisper. Thus, quieter is louder.
When people shout, they think the world listens. Nobody really listens when you’re shouting. When you’re quiet, when you whisper, people really do listen. In this dance music world of today, I sort of feel like there is this fight for who can be the loudest, who can make the most noise, and who can get the most attention. And all the while, maybe the most power is in something really small and elegant. – Paavo Siljamaki
Take a peek at the trailer and tell us what you think in the comments below.
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