bEEdEEgEE’s real name is Brian DeGraw. Previously, you could’ve read about him in the electronic-psych group Gang Gang Dance. Leaving Gang Gang Dance for a moment and under a new (confusing and hard to spell) moniker, DeGraw has released two tracks for his forthcoming album, SUM/ONE, out December 3rd via 4AD. His newly released Flowers [edit] feat. Lovefoxx is similar to Bricks -his first released single- when it comes to spooky, soupy, dark atmosphere.
The totally bonkers beat of Bricks has been broken down and swapped for a friendly 80’s snap-back, pop-step tempo in Flowers [edit]. Lovefoxx (frontwoman for CSS) provides vocals sung in a deep female register that will uplift any listener. Here Lovefoxx sounds similar Nico’s Velvet Underground days. SUM/ONE will feature other vocalists like GGD‘s Lizzie Bougatsos, Hot Chip‘s Alexis Taylor and Douglas Armour. Though DeGraw is not apart of GGD for now his music feels like an extension of their psychedelic, dance merriment. I am exited to hear the eclectic sonic directions this side project decides to catch and bag like well-hunted game.
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