Today is December 26. Boxing Day. A day used by many as a perfect excuse for taking a much needed post-holiday break. And so, more often than not, people decide to take out their pent up holiday aggression in the form of shopping. While the traditional meaning behind Boxing Day has been all but forgotten, it still remains a national holiday — albeit an outdated one. So this year, instead of fighting a soccer mom over the last parking spot at some overcrowded mall, take the day to spread the word of a new holiday. One that the dance community as a whole can appreciate and accept with open arms. Yes, we’re talking about the 2nd-annual #BeatBoxingDay.
Most people reading this article are probably familiar with the term beatboxing; in fact one of Canada’s best, Scott Jackson, recently demonstrated his skills here in Victoria. But just in case you’ve never heard the term, click here to read up. If you’ve listened to any hip hop over the past 30 years then you’ll instantly recognize Stick ‘Em by the Fat Boys. These days, the name Beardyman is easily recognizable after headlining Shambhala in years past. Or maybe Bassnectar’s Blow will hit a little closer to home for some of us in the scene. Regardless, beatboxing remains an invaluable resource in the world of music, and it’s up to those at the grassroots level to keep spitting the word.
Follow #BeatBoxingDay on social media and join the global effort to spread awareness about the art form of vocal percussion. For more info about how you can get involved with #BeatBoxingDay visit the site, and on make sure to check out the live feed. Better yet, join others from across the globe in uploading a short clip showcasing your own beatboxing skills!
From the streets to the stage, how do you feel beatboxing effects dance culture? Comment below or join the discussion on Facebook & Twitter.
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