Even after all this and you’re still unsure, fear not; there’s still hope, and more reasons you should hold onto your ticket. Planning ahead can help make the solo journey a little easier, especially with social media. There are plenty of Facebook groups dedicated to those going solo, and even full-on camps. Shambhala’s “Camp Stranger Danger” is a perfect example of how great our community is, providing a place for absolute strangers to camp together and become a crew. With a little searching, you’re sure to find a camp willing to take you in, oftentimes there are crews even based in your local area.

Photo: Guru
Going solo is definitely not for everyone, but keeping a few things in mind can certainly help sway those who are unsure. Once you’ve decided to brave the unknown, and welcome the idea of a solo journey, all that’s left is making your experience. While no amount of tips or research can truly prepare you, we hope these tips will help out as you venture into the wild.
- Be yourself – The joy of being alone is no one is there to judge you, being yourself allows others to accept you for you.
- Bring things to trade – Homemade crafts, stickers, gum (ALWAYS a big one) or other items open the door to conversation with strangers and let you take home memories from each encounter.
- Give compliments – Telling someone their outfit is awesome or you dig their totem is also a great way to start conversation… you never know who you might meet!
- DANCE! – Dancing is good for the soul, and a great way to make friends.
- Give High-5’s – Don’t be afraid to dish ’em out, everyone will gladly reciprocate.
- Go with the flow – Don’t be afraid to say yes …or no, flying solo often times will lead to people welcoming you on their own journeys.
At the end of the day, the solo decision is left in your hands, but should never entirely be ruled out. Not only will you learn a lot about yourself going solo, you open the doors to a unique experience specific to only you. The independence of a solo festival let’s you take the lead, which will ultimately lead to a memorable weekend. If all else fails, you’ll always have the DMNW crew to dance with at your next festival, just find us and we’ll dance the night away.
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