Flying solo always seems to be a topic that comes up just before the summer when festival ticket sales are in full swing. There are endless scenarios as to why someone may end up going solo, but the feeling of going without a crew is the same. The idea of going alone can often push some into selling their tickets. But fear not, we’re here to show you the beauty of braving a festival on your own, and the wonderful possibilities it can bring. With a push in the right direction, you’ll soon be counting down the days until your solo festival journey.
Going out alone, whether it be a movie, dinner, or even shopping has, unfortunately, been associated with being a loner. While, in fact, it’s quite the opposite, and some experts even suggest it’s good for you. The sheer thought of going to a weekend long festival can be overwhelming and leave most with a sense of uncertainty. Doing anything solo certainly lets you have a unique experience, and a music festival is no different.
The first, and most obvious, obstacle to overcome is the idea of being alone. Going solo will help build your confidence and self-esteem, as well as encouraging you to venture outside of your comfort zone. Ironically enough, you’ll be far from alone at a festival. Instead, you’ll be surrounded by thousands of like-minded, dance music fans. We are a community of acceptance, that welcomes all newcomers with open arms. While you may feel like you’re going into a festival solo, you are, in fact, surrounded by friends.
Once you’ve overcome the idea of flying solo, now comes the fun part: Pure independence. Think of your perfect experience, the things YOU want to do while you’re there, the artists YOU want to see… and then do it! Having a crew often brings on an itinerary that you all try to keep, and sometimes includes someone making sacrifices or compromises. Going solo cuts chains and lets you do everything you want to do, without feeling the need to keep with the group or please others.
Fear of uncertainty and the unknown is always another thought that will eventually rear its ugly head. But don’t shy away; welcome it, embrace it, and make it your friend. Opportunities to create a weekend of memories are endless, and overcoming the fear and facing it will only lead to the experience of a lifetime. Flying solo teaches you how to appreciate “you time,” and instills a sense of independence.
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Avid adventure, and full time wild thing. Lover of all types of music but hold those that make me want to shake my rumpus close to my heart.