[divider]Giving Back[/divider]
Josh and his team are well-aware that his success is largely due to a supportive community. He makes it a priority to give back any way he can, with each new year. Evolving Summer Meltdown into a family-friendly weekend, the festival provides a fun and interactive schedule of events for children to attend throughout the extended weekend. Inside the Kids Zone, children can partake in art classes, explore musical instruments, get their face painted, and other kid-friendly activities. Families can camp in the specifically zoned area designed for festival-goers with children. In addition to providing for the whole family, Josh and the Summer Meltdown crew make it a point to raise funding for various charities, with this year focusing on their neighboring town, Oso that was hit by the disastrous mudslide earlier this year.
Being a responsible community member is an important part of our identity. We thrive because of the support of the local community, and in turn we do everything we can to give back. We are always inspired by this festival because it infuses so much positivity into our attendees, and of course we do everything we can to make that effect larger. This year our focus is on support for the families affected by the Oso mudslide. Being a local myself, this cause is particularly close to my heart and my family. – Josh Clauson
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magnes carlsen
July 10, 2019 at 10:20 am