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terravita shambhala set 2014


Terravita’s Set From Shambhala is 80 Minutes of Pure Bass Adrenaline

Shambhala is a place where musical magic happens on a regular basis. As the latest artist to upload their set from that fateful weekend, Terravita is showing why theirs may have been the craziest of the entire festival. It checks in at a shade under 80 minutes, and the amount of music the LA-based threesome packs in is absolutely insane.

Mixing together a whopping 94 tracks, it’s a master class in mashups, originals, and only the crunchiest bass possible. Topping even that feat, their reaction following some unexpected technical difficulties wasn’t the usual silence followed by murmuring of the crowd. Rather, a scorching freestyle rap from Terravita’s front man took over the Village stage, punctuated by a resounding “that’s how you deal with technical difficulties!” as the music kicked back in.

Of all the sets streaming in from Shambhala, Terravita’s may very well be the one that impressed us the most. The Pacific Northwest is undoubtedly a scene that leans heavily towards bass music, and one that would likely appreciate the mastery of this 80 minutes of pounding bass more than most. One DMNW employee perhaps summed it up best with their assessment:

“This set is fucking bonkers.”

Take a listen for yourself below, and don’t miss the chance to see Terravita this Saturday in Seattle at the final stop of the Safe in Sound Tour (tickets here).


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Written By

Pop culture junkie, dinosaur enthusiast, and proud Managing Editor. While an avowed basshead, has been known to be ever-so-slightly trance-curious under the right circumstances.

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