[textblock style=”3″]One intrepid team Dance Music Northwest team member is here in New York City for the weekend to paint you a picture. That picture will show you firsthand just what it’s like when a West Coast raver accustomed to falling asleep soon after Foundation’s hard 1:45am curfew is exposed to the sleep deprivation and insanity of an East Coast nightlife he doesn’t fully grasp or understand.[/textblock]
Not a lot of time today to write, (apparently New York City keeps you busy or something), but our intrepid reporter spent his day traversing Manhattan and he’s back to report his findings. Initial discoveries include the fact that most of the rules in New York concern where you are and aren’t allowed to stand (OK: Standing outside of your hotel trying to flag down a cab. Not OK: Leaning against subway doors or standing on electrified train tracks).
Past that, the biggest observation an objective Seattleite would have concerns NYC’s sheer density. If you’re a not big fan of being shoved or trapped in unbelievably crowded small spaces, then there’s a good chance this city isn’t for you. Everything here moves at a million miles an hour, confirming pretty much everything the TV and movie industry has been telling us for the last 60 or so years.
But Dance Music Northwest didn’t come here to confirm well-worn stereotypes. Our valiant reporter on the ground is all set to take on the club scene, one caffeine-addled night of music at a time. Tonight, we venture out to Webster Hall to see Candyland and Kill Paris as part of their Killer Fro tour. With both artists set to take over Lucky 2014 in a couple weeks, it’ll be the perfect warmup for what’s sure to be an equally long night.
Keep up with us in New York City weekend on Facebook and Instagram, read Part I here, and check in tomorrow for Part III of Dance Music Northwest in the Northeast!
Important things happen in Pacific Northwest nightlife, and DMNW will send you alerts!